Silent Agony

Nessuno si cura della muta agonia dei pesci, pare citasse un politico. Viviamo in una bolla che ne contiene svariate…bolle politiche, finanziarie, sociali e noi ad agonizzare. Chissà chi si ricorda la colonna sonora della pubblicità del link di you tube ? Oltre al brevissimo e splendido pezzo musicale la pubblicità citava un passo dell’Elogio della Follia di Erasmo da Rotterdam. Oggi l’azienda di quella pubblicità ha dichiarato che produrrà solo quello che gli verrà espressamente ordinato. Triste parabola. Giusto adesso pensavo alla parabola di una persona conosciuta quando lavoravo in pubblicità nella “Milano da bere”. Lui era uno dei padri di quello spot. Le nostre strade si separarono presto; ebbe una carriera fantastica arrivando al gotha di un grandissimo network dell’advertising mondiale. Poi si accorse che non poteva vivere tutta la vita avanti indietro su degli aerei. Adesso si è ritirato a vita privata e (caso emblematico) nel suo ruolo non è stato sostituito. Attualmente si occupa di problematiche sui conflitti religiosi.


Osservate con quanta previdenza la natura, madre del genere umano, ebbe cura di spargere ovunque un pizzico di follia. Infuse nell’uomo più passione che ragione perché fosse tutto meno triste, difficile, brutto, insipido, fastidioso. Se i mortali si guardassero da qualsiasi rapporto con la saggezza, la vecchiaia neppure ci sarebbe. Se solo fossero più fatui, allegri e dissennati godrebbero felici di un’eterna giovinezza. La vita umana non è altro che un gioco della Follia.
Elogio alla follia, Erasmo da Rotterdam

37 pensieri riguardo “Silent Agony

      1. Uno spot famoso. Dalì fece altre comparsate nel mondo dell’advertising. Un personaggio che lascia il segno senza dubbio…persino troppo; qui si aprirebbe un debate su una vexata quaestio…cioè sull’utilità dei testimonial e i risultati sulle vendite. Ma questa è un altra storia.

        "Mi piace"

      2. Coinvolgendo un artista come Dalì tu crei automaticamente un’opera d’arte, e quindi la tua operazione è utile a prescindere. Colgo l’occasione per dirti che ho appena pubblicato un nuovo post, in cui racconto una mia esperienza molto intima e molto personale… spero che ti piaccia! 🙂

        Piace a 1 persona

      1. Relying upon the משנה תורה to interpret the k’vanna of the Written Torah.
        Young Torah students traditionally begin their initial formal Torah education with ויקרא. The opening פרק of ויקרא contains two sugiot: א – ט, י – יג. The Torah opens with the commandments concerning dedication of a korban olah. First rule of Torah instruction: the Torah commands mussar. What prophetic commandment of mussar does this opening פרק of ויקרא, its two sugiot instruct?

        HaShem never commanded korbanot. Therefore if a person never makes a search for the mussar vision of Moshe, then that person has never learned the Book of ויקרא. To study Torah mussar requires affixing the משנה תורה of the Book of דברים to the Book of ויקרא. Further analysis likewise affixes the Books of the Prophets, the mussar which these later prophets command likewise interprets the mussar k’vanna of this aggaditic Written Torah.

        This commentary shall study each sugia separately in its דרוש pursuit of prophetic mussar דאורייתא k’vanna. A slightly distant precedent; דברים ו:כ – כה. HaShem delivered Israel from g’lut Mitzaim, to rule the oath sworn lands with righteous justice. Korbanot therefore serves as the public commitment made by the generations of Israel, to dedicate our lives to achieve this destiny.

        This משנה תורה precedent of law, does it define the k’vanna of the opening sugia of ויקרא? Does this precedent separate the substance of Torah faith husked away from the klipah of Torah religious ritualism?

        Another slightly distant Torah precedent: יא: כב – כח. Korban avoda placed upon the House of Aaron opens and closes with a korban olah dedication. Positive time oriented commandments require k’vanna. What precisely do these opening and closing korban Orlah dedicate? By this precedent – the Blessings and Curses of the Torah. Another slightly distant משנה תורה precedent: יג: ז – יט. This slightly distant משנה תורה precedent refers to cases wherein family or friends or entire cities worship the golden calf, they translate the first Sinai Commandment רוח הקודש Spirit Name, unto word names of alien Gods which the lips can easily pronounce.

        Still another slightly imprecise משנה תורה precedent: טז: ט – יב. Chag Shevuot – remembers the bondage of Egypt. As we count the Omer following the first night of P’sach, so too prior to Chag P’sach we remove the חמץ of avodah zarah. Developing a good eye toward the weak, poor, and dispossessed among our people…the opposite of how Par’o treated Israel in Mizraim. Still another slightly removed משנה תורה precedent טז: כא – יז: ז. Again the Torah emphasizes the stringencies against avodah zarah assimilation as the most severe crime of דיני נפשות. By this precedent the daily public korban Olah dedicates a strong sanctification to remove and cleanse the land from assimilation to the customs and customs of peoples who never accepted the revelation of the Torah @ Sinai.

        Still another slightly distant משנה תורה precedent כא: י – כג: ב. This משנה תורה addresses the subject of how a bnai brit man should conduct his affairs towards his wife and children. This Torah views hedonism as a crime of דיני נפשות.

        An exact precise precedent כד: יט – כה: יט. This משנה תורה defines the k’vanna of the korban oleh as a solemn dedication unto HaShem not to assimilate and duplicate the ways, manners and customs practiced by Amelek. The oath sworn lands have a dedication to uphold Torah defined justice among and between our bnai brit allied People.

        Now compare this prophetic mussar with ישעיה כו: טז – כז: יא.and marvel at the vision of the prophet toward his people. Woe to our people who grow to despise the oath korban oleh dedication to rule our land with justice and fail to behave toward our people with a righteous good eye.

        The second sugia also addresses the subject of a korban oleh. How does the משנה תורה interpret the k’vanna of this Torah sugia? A slightly distant משנה תורה precedent יב: כט – יג: א. This prophetic mussar warns against assimilation to the customs and manners practiced by non bnai brit Goyim. On this precise יסוד does the Prophet Moshe set the commandment which forbids not to add or subtract from the Torah. Meaning all later generations have a Torah obligation that they base their laws upon Torah precedents and Prophetic mussar commandments.

        A precise משנה תורה precedent: כג: ג. The strict command concerning Mamzerim. The logical deduction links the manners of Amelek with Mamzerim. Contrast this mussar to that of ישעיה כז: יב – יג the vision of redemption from g’lut. Herein the משנה תורה וישעיה define the k’vanna of the opening chapter of the Book of ויקרא.

        "Mi piace"

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